Mediating between lexis and texts: collocational networks in specialised corpora
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منابع مشابه
ASp, 31-33 | 2010
The theory of collocational networks adopts a textual definition of the phenomenon ofcollocation in an electronic corpus. The networks move out from a central node exploring thesignificant word associations of both base and collocate. This is done by measuring statisticalsignificance using mutual information. Working within a carefully-constructed corpus based on adiscourse comm...
متن کاملAn exploratory study of collocational use by ESL students – A task based approach
Collocation is an aspect of language generally considered arbitrary by nature and problematic to L2 learners who need collocational competence for effective communication. This study attempts, from the perspective of L2 learners, to have a deeper understanding of collocational use and some of the problems involved, by adopting a task based approach, using two highly comparable corpora based on ...
متن کاملA Correlational Study of Expectancy Grammar’s Manifestation on Cloze Test and Lexical Collocational Density
The notion of expectancy grammar as a key to understanding the nature of psychologically real processes that underlie language use is introduced by Oller (1979). A central issue in this notion is that expectancy generating systems are constructed and modified in the course of language acquisition. Thus, one of the characteristics of language proficiency is that it consists of such an expectancy...
متن کاملText Visualization for Competitive Intelligence
The overreliance on quantitative, numeric information and the underuse of qualitative, textual information is a common weakness in strategic management. This affects particularly the practice of competitive intelligence, which aims to provide actionable information about the company-external environment for decision making. Yet, forward-looking and insightful information about the environment o...
متن کاملUpdating LSP dictionaries with collocational information
Despite the big amount of general language dictionaries in electronic form, those coming from specialised areas are still “under construction”. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, the need for these dictionaries was/is less essential than the need for general language dictionaries, since these were/are aiming mainly to specialists, and secondly many specialised areas are changing over...
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